Parents/Guardians » Vaping in Humboldt County Kids

Vaping in Humboldt County Kids

Dear Parents,


The United States Surgeon General, our nation’s top doctor, has recently issued a health advisory about the E-CIGARETTE EPIDEMIC among youth.  This epidemic is a cause for great concern, and is happening here in Humboldt County.  E-cigarettes pose significant risks to young peoples’ health and can cause addiction. 



Electronic cigarettes (ecigarettes) are batteryoperated devices that produce aerosol. They are often called ecigs, ehookahs, hookah pens, vapes, vape pens, vape pipes, mods or juuls. There are disposable and rechargeable e-cigarettes and refillable “tank systems” that hold more of the ecigarette liquid (eliquid) and that heat the eliquid to higher temperatures. 


E-cigarettes are NOT a safe alternative to smoking.  They contain chemicals that are harmful to the lungs and the body.  They often contain the chemical nicotine.  Nicotine is highly addictive.  Exposure to nicotine in young people can impact learning, memory and attention.  Using nicotine in adolescence can also increase risk for future addiction to other drugs.



Learn about the different shapes and types of e-cigarettes and the risks of all forms of e-cigarette use for young people at


Set a good example by being tobacco and nicotine free. If you use tobacco products, it’s never too late to quit. Talk to a healthcare professional about quitting all forms of tobacco. For free help, visit or call 1-800-NO-BUTTS.


Adopt no-smoking rules, including e-cigarettes, in your home and vehicle.


Talk to your children about why e-cigarettes are harmful for them. It’s never too late.


Get the Surgeon General’s tip sheet for parents, Talk With Your Teen About E-cigarettes, at Start the conversation early with children about why e-cigarettes are harmful for them.


Let your child know that you want them to stay away from all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, because they are not safe for them.


Learn more about flavored tobacco and contact your city council at


Encourage your child to learn the facts and get tips for quitting tobacco products at


Contact the Tobacco-Free Humboldt Program at 707-268-2131 or email [email protected]